viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

My perspective on some blogs


Based on what I read about Roxanne's Blog, I think it was a good topic and it was very interesting to see how she added up so many details and examples.  I like how she defends the native americans based on what is true. She emphazises alot on the history of the white people and the Native Americans.


The topic that Randy used for his blog was very good. He supported it with may facts and descriptions based on some examples. You could definitely see the effort he put in to it. I think Randy's blog was presentable and interesting in a way I could understand what he was talking about. Hes statements and comparisons were very good too.


I think Carolina's blog was very creative. I like the way she added photos to support her topic and facts too. I also like her comparisons because it shows the agreements and disagreements Native Americans and White people had between them and the struggle Native Americans faced along the way. Carolina from what Ive read did a very good job.


Upon my readings on Itze's Blog, I think that it was very interesting. I've always like her way of writing and the description she always puts to support her ideas. Another reason would be the supporting facts she emphazises on and some stereotypes she puts on as examples to support her statement. So finally, I say that Itza did a really good job on her essay.


I reflect Mandy's Blog as being very spontanous in a way that he really put hard facts to support his main idea. Although he didnt put pictures to describe some major points in his essay, he put alot of description to everything that was occurring. I most say that It was impressing to see so much opinions he made on what he believes. It really defines himself as really defending the Indians and believeing what they really are.

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