viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Blog Reflections


I thought Paola's blog vas very interesting. The best part I liked about her blog was her newsletter about a girl named Paolina that moved to the Unites states in search of the American Dream. I like how she writes everything she does on her diary called Daisy. Besides her newsletter, the history of italian immigation surprised me with certain facts like when Italians were unskiled workers until later then they became skilled workers and got better job opportunities. In my opinion, I honestly think it was good.


I think that Roxanne's blog is exciting. The best part about her blog is her video clip. It was very movitating because it expresses different issues the immigrants faced through their journey to America. One of them was to pay fees. An interesting fact about her video was that people work hard to earn their money and later then it is taken and that immigrants are seemed as illegal if they dont have constitutional papers to enter the United States.


I think Nestor's blog shows a lot of interesting facts. One of them was his information on his family story. I like how he expresses a lot of his personal life and how his mother is half french. I found interesting Nestor's family beause they come from different ethnicities that you didnt imagined.


Ithink Mariah's blog was really fun and good. I like her family story and the pictures she had. It was very surprising to see that her last name came from Spain. Another interesting fact was that her uncle immigrated legally to Florida. I read most of the information on her blog and it wad really good but her descendant family article was the most exciting.

My Culture's Heritage

Puerto Rico was found by Christopher Columbus in 1493. While the Spanish held control of Puerto Rico,  the island's culture has numerous ethnicities that have blended with its culture to create an amazing heritage. They later enslaved a large group known was the Taino Indians. Its use was to populate the island and they establish their culture.

The next group of people to influence the culture of Puerto Rico were the African slaves. They were brought as plantation workers and they established their language, music, and food. Immigation continued to be spread in Puerto Rico over the years. 

Chinese immigrants were brought to the island to work on projects. The Chinese were followed by European immigrants from Italy, France, and Germany, while Spanish loyalists in South America fled to Puerto Rico during the movement of Bolívar.

Puerto Ricans have become good people throughout their diffrenet cultures that were brought. It has formed a better union through immigration in Puerto Rico

My uncle named Luis Lebron moved to the United states almost 12 years ago when I was little. He worked as an industrial manager in P.R but the industry closed so he was looking for other job opportunities but he couldnt find anything. So he started looking for jobs outside of P.R and he found one. My uncle unfortubately had to move to California but he promised to visit every christmas. He finally immigrated to the United States. It was a hard moment in his life to leave his family and friends but it seemed as his only choice. So far hes done a good jod and has being used to ther culture and language. The only advantage he had was that he spoke English but he had trouble sometimes with his neighbors. It was based on discriminitation but he passes because he was white at least but later then they became good friends.

jueves, 17 de febrero de 2011

Rush Limbaugh's opinion on Illegal Immigration


I think illegal immigration as my topic is unfair to certain laws that Rush Limbaugh
mentioned. One of the laws was for immigrants to only speak english because its
their native language and I disagreed. Rush is expressing his anger on protest by
foreigners and I agree in wich the only people that could decide wether something
is good or bad is the society that was born there. This type of issues affect me
because I viewed immigration as being unviolent and not in a strict and corrupt
way. Immigration was people working hard to get better opportunities and changes
in their life. I think their should be a reunion discussing several ideas on their nation to
make things better and end racial relations between them. I believe as my personal
opinion that everybody needs to have equalrights. These foreign laws prohibit them
from protesting, good paying jobs, and government problems. In response, they
should establish new laws in wich immigrants and citizens could have equal rights.
Illegal immigration affects many people and it will become a major issue throughout
the world.

An American Anti-Illegal Immigration Activist named Rush Limbaugh.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

The life of Aimi Masuko as an immigrant

I, Aimi Masuko( 愛美 益子), am an immigrant from Japan to the United States in search for a
better education and job opportunity. When I first came, I hoped for a good job witha lot of
money but I became an agricultural laborer with a low wage even though I worked long 
hours with hard work but later then Japanese wages increased. It overtook most white paying
jobs. As the years past I became a successful farmer.

I was an employed japanese until I came to the United states but It wasn't easy to get here. People 
treated me differently and I felt unappreciated. One of the most difficult phases through this
journey was to speak english to communicate and understand them.

Entering the United States was expensive. I could not enter first nor second class passages. I had
to come through the processing center. I imagined the United States as a rich land of opportunities 
like everybody else but it didn't turned out to be like that

I faced a lot of racial issues living in the U.S. It was governed by changing legal restrictions and relations between its nation.  Most Americans made racial stereotypes to make laws that denied citizenship and property ownership. These were difficult moments I had to face throughout the years. I've been living  for three years now.

The Japanese History Immigration in the United States

The Japanese finally immigrated to Hawai. The Japanese people were mostly unemployed, bankrupticies, and civil disorders. Immigrants were mostly men because of the boom in the Sugar Industry wich made a huge impact on the economy in Japan.

The journey to the United States was based only on hope for a better and easier life. It was became a good journey under the American laws  leaving thousands of Japanese free to immigrate to the U.S. Then Hawaii became the main are of concentration for Japanese for many years

Once the Japanese arrived to the United States, they realized that there were better race relations.They started as agricultural laborers wiht lower payment that the white people. Then they had success and advancement until the "Yellow Peril" was initialized. It was a threat to the livind conditions of the American citizens as workers and bussinessmen. Because of that, Laws were presented through all the stated preventing the occupations for Japanese and their purchased land

Life seemed hard for Japanese Immigrants so It made me view immigration as a better opportunity but at the same time as something risky. If I were to be immigrated to the United States, It will be very hard. Id had to accustom their different cultures and beliefs as an immigrant at that time. The United States citizens treat immigrants with discrimination among them but we can overlap those circumstances for Japanese to reach their dreams.

A japanese family immigrating to the United States for a permanent residence

Japanese immigrants landing in the United States well known as the land of opportunities to a better life.