miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

The life of Aimi Masuko as an immigrant

I, Aimi Masuko( 愛美 益子), am an immigrant from Japan to the United States in search for a
better education and job opportunity. When I first came, I hoped for a good job witha lot of
money but I became an agricultural laborer with a low wage even though I worked long 
hours with hard work but later then Japanese wages increased. It overtook most white paying
jobs. As the years past I became a successful farmer.

I was an employed japanese until I came to the United states but It wasn't easy to get here. People 
treated me differently and I felt unappreciated. One of the most difficult phases through this
journey was to speak english to communicate and understand them.

Entering the United States was expensive. I could not enter first nor second class passages. I had
to come through the processing center. I imagined the United States as a rich land of opportunities 
like everybody else but it didn't turned out to be like that

I faced a lot of racial issues living in the U.S. It was governed by changing legal restrictions and relations between its nation.  Most Americans made racial stereotypes to make laws that denied citizenship and property ownership. These were difficult moments I had to face throughout the years. I've been living  for three years now.

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