viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Blog Reflections


I thought Paola's blog vas very interesting. The best part I liked about her blog was her newsletter about a girl named Paolina that moved to the Unites states in search of the American Dream. I like how she writes everything she does on her diary called Daisy. Besides her newsletter, the history of italian immigation surprised me with certain facts like when Italians were unskiled workers until later then they became skilled workers and got better job opportunities. In my opinion, I honestly think it was good.


I think that Roxanne's blog is exciting. The best part about her blog is her video clip. It was very movitating because it expresses different issues the immigrants faced through their journey to America. One of them was to pay fees. An interesting fact about her video was that people work hard to earn their money and later then it is taken and that immigrants are seemed as illegal if they dont have constitutional papers to enter the United States.


I think Nestor's blog shows a lot of interesting facts. One of them was his information on his family story. I like how he expresses a lot of his personal life and how his mother is half french. I found interesting Nestor's family beause they come from different ethnicities that you didnt imagined.


Ithink Mariah's blog was really fun and good. I like her family story and the pictures she had. It was very surprising to see that her last name came from Spain. Another interesting fact was that her uncle immigrated legally to Florida. I read most of the information on her blog and it wad really good but her descendant family article was the most exciting.

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