viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

My Culture's Heritage

Puerto Rico was found by Christopher Columbus in 1493. While the Spanish held control of Puerto Rico,  the island's culture has numerous ethnicities that have blended with its culture to create an amazing heritage. They later enslaved a large group known was the Taino Indians. Its use was to populate the island and they establish their culture.

The next group of people to influence the culture of Puerto Rico were the African slaves. They were brought as plantation workers and they established their language, music, and food. Immigation continued to be spread in Puerto Rico over the years. 

Chinese immigrants were brought to the island to work on projects. The Chinese were followed by European immigrants from Italy, France, and Germany, while Spanish loyalists in South America fled to Puerto Rico during the movement of Bolívar.

Puerto Ricans have become good people throughout their diffrenet cultures that were brought. It has formed a better union through immigration in Puerto Rico

My uncle named Luis Lebron moved to the United states almost 12 years ago when I was little. He worked as an industrial manager in P.R but the industry closed so he was looking for other job opportunities but he couldnt find anything. So he started looking for jobs outside of P.R and he found one. My uncle unfortubately had to move to California but he promised to visit every christmas. He finally immigrated to the United States. It was a hard moment in his life to leave his family and friends but it seemed as his only choice. So far hes done a good jod and has being used to ther culture and language. The only advantage he had was that he spoke English but he had trouble sometimes with his neighbors. It was based on discriminitation but he passes because he was white at least but later then they became good friends.

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