miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

The AARP'S Oppression

The AARP has been mnistreated by racial discrimination and wrongful termination so it was eventually sued by a man named Michael Moreno. He claims of failing and refusing to promote Latinos and Native Americans. Thomas A. Saenz said "With our nation's significant and fast-growing Latino population over 50, it is critical that an organization  as improtant as AARP include and incorporate Latinos at all levels of leadership.".

The AARP has had violations of civil rights in the constitution by  racial and age discrimination by other people to the elderly members.Elderly people are having a hard time looking for jobs because of their age.. Another Opression caused by the AARP  was a 63 year old women form Michigan by age discrimination. Bonita Brady says the group passed her over for a series of jobs because she was too old, despite excellent job reviews so she sued them. She was held as a health representative but she was fired by her age.

In the Civil Rights of the Constitution/ Bill of Rights, some violations have been violated like having equal rights no matter what race or age you have wich is part of discrimination. The AARP rights movement helps these people to have a better life regardless of the issues involving with the elderly people.

Some acts were made for the ederly like The Older Americans Act of the federal Administration on Aging. Civil rights of older people were also written into legislation.  The Age Discrimination  in Employment Act of protects applicants and employees age 40 and over from discrimination, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination on age.


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