lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

Top Proposals


I think Itze's proposal about gay/homosexual rights is preety impresive because her proposal shows they deserve the right to be accepted as a normal human being. It also shows how she explains her point and details it. Genders should be a choice that everyone can make. She just wants tto add more rights to the homosexual people and let them be free.


The discrimination in Puerto Rico about Racism is very important and Roxanne showed a lot of examples why it has become a struggle lately. I like how she pointed out when people should be put to jail by making an offensive comment. I think Puerto Rico should change by treating nicely to people as a start. I will show a huge impact and difference in our society.


An amendment for equality for people with disabilities is a change to society. Nestor showed how it is time to make rights for this people because it is increasing in society but the only problem is the segregation in the government. I really enjoyed the effort Nestor put in and how he demonstrated the change that can be made. I think its not that hard for the world to do that.

Gabriela S.

The elderly is a very important trait in society and I have noticed that it has been forgotten in our society. Gabriela showed the importance of th elderly and how populated they are. I like the way they she uses her point of view and the differences involved. Although she has the same theme of my blog, I think she has some good ideas to add to elderly rights.


Ivania's point of view really impressed me because Its very true. I think the criminals inside jail should have time to see their family outside or have at least one day of freedom becuas ethis all leads to suicide and death. This proposal shows the truth of many real people that have been dealing with this cause. In addition, it could create peace to many families.


Job opportunities are very difficult to have and that is happening to the LGBT people. I think Shae-Lynn's blog shows a lot of informaqtion involving herself and what she thinks is right. She makes a statement saying that they should be treated as normal people and its true. I think its very important to recognize these situations you should judge someone for what they appear.


Scholarships are very important for manyy students going to college. Its an opportunity that can really make a difference in their life. Bianca in he proposal talks about how students could pay on time and the things they can do and that really impressed me. Students now at days are passing through this situation and we need to make a change in this.  They are sufffereing through economic crisis and he government too.


People with disabilities has a lot of problems ocurring in their life such as discrimination and in Nicolle's proposal she makes an amendment saying the differences that can be made. I agree with Nicolle when she says that she wants equallity for all but the only way it can bqe done is by ending segregation in society by the government. Alot of things qare happening in the members of qsociety but we must put an end to this.


Jqapanese Americans in World War 11 has been an important trait in our history. I understand the points Irelis makes in her proposal and I agree with her. Japanese Amerians were mistreated with racism and even with violence. Its a really huge impact that has been done in them. I think Irelis based her blog on the differences made and what can be done.


I agree with Carol's proposal abotu eliminating the rule to get out of jail for good behavior. Prisoners are a big part of society but restrictions have to be made. If prisoners were sent to jail by something bad done, why should they go so easily. This point in Carol's blog was very shocking. These rights should be added to make a chqange in society.

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