viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

The AARP's struggle

The American Association of Retired Persons is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping older Americans achieve lives of independence, dignity, and purpose. The AARP has been an effective advocate regarding issues involving older persons, in part because of its large membership and its ability to mobilize its members to lobby for its positions before Congress and government agencies.

The organization has concentrated much of its effort on social security, medicare, and long-term care issues. The AARP has fought zealously to protect the Social Security benefits of retired citizens and has resisted efforts by Congress to change the system itself. The elderly members resist discrimination and fight by congress in a peacefull way but the most major discrimination is their age. Because of that they have many problems getting jobs.

 For male senior executives, the fear of age discrimination has led to an increasing demand for most older workers that appears little they can do to resist being swept aside in favour of younger replacements. Although such discrimination could be seen in a reluctance to hire workers who were perceived to be too young and immature for the job, in practice it refers to a bias against older workers. The argument that anti-discrimination laws are good for employers offends economics and common sense. If hiring and promoting old workers were in best interests would do so without the need for such laws.

An elderly man fighting for what is right

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